Countryside Stewardship Mid-Tier
The deadline for requesting a Mid-Tier application pack is the 16th July and deadline for submitting a Mid Tier or a Wildlife Offer is 31st July.
If you are applying for Countryside Stewardship Mid-Tier it is worth considering using the Wild Pollinator and Farm Wildlife Packages to achieve a better score as these applications are competitive.
The Package for Pastoral Farms:
There are 2 groups of mandatory options and 1 of additional options, from Group 1 (Nectar and Pollen Sources) you must select at least 1 from 2 available options;
GS4 Legume and herb-rich swards
GS2 Permanent grassland with low inputs
From Group 2 (Nesting, hibernation and sheltering habitat) choose at least 1 of the following.
GS1- Take field corners out of management
BE3- management of hedgerows
Options must cover at least 2.5% of the eligible permanent and temporary grassland and a minimum of 500m of BE3 per 100ha of eligible land.
Additional resources include the following but are not limited to:
GS17-Lenient grazing supplement
GS3- Ryegrass seed-set as winter/spring food for birds
A further 145 capital and land management grants are available in addition to the ones mentioned above.
To understand how the Mid-Tier would work on your farm please contact Alan Falshaw Farm Business Consultant on 07425 186127.